Can You Ride an Electric Skateboard Normally?


Electric skateboards have been around for decades, but they are still considered a relatively new invention. Although they may seem like just another mode of transportation, the addition of an engine changes everything.

This article is written for two audiences. The first group is individuals who have never skateboarded before but are interested in trying electric boards for fun. The second group is experienced skateboarders who are looking for a new mode of transportation. Both groups may face challenges when using these devices, but with some patience and practice, they can quickly learn how to ride electric skateboards.

Give yourself permission to not know everything right away, and you will soon get the hang of it. Electric skateboarding is a fun and exciting way to get around, and with a little bit of practice, anyone can enjoy this innovative mode of transportation.


If you’re new to skateboarding, it’s best to set aside the remote control and start by learning how to ride a traditional skateboard or longboard. Skateboarding may seem challenging at first, but with practice, it becomes easier. Everyone learns at their own pace, so take your time to get accustomed to it.

For experienced longboarders or skateboarders, there’s not much to worry about when it comes to riding an electric skateboard. The biggest differences appear when starting or stopping.

Electric skateboards offer a smooth and easy ride, thanks to their regenerative braking system, which regenerates power when slowing down. With a remote control, riders can adjust their speed and focus on the road.

Although electric skateboards may be heavier and less flexible due to their electronics, riders should always prioritize their safety and well-being. Be sure to fully charge the board before use, to avoid running out of energy mid-ride.

Overall, electric skateboards offer a fun and exciting way to get around, and with a little bit of practice, anyone can enjoy them.


Electric skateboarding is a great way to commute on two wheels. It’s a fun and speedy mode of transportation that’s relatively free from outside noise distractions like traffic or pedestrians. Electric skateboards also provide a sense of safety, thanks to their fully enclosed structure, which makes them comfortable for riders of all skill levels.

When it comes to accessories such as clothes and shoes, safety gear should always be a top priority. Investing in protective gear can prevent injuries in case of an accident or minimize their severity. Remember, safety should always come first when shopping for gear.


It is crucial to wear a helmet while electric skateboarding to ensure your safety in case of any falls. Helmets provide padding to protect sensitive areas such as temples from impact forces that could otherwise cause bruising or injury. For beginners, it is essential to equip oneself with protective gear, starting with elbow pads that offer extra cushioning around the elbows. Hand guards can also be helpful in covering both hands during falls, providing maximum freedom of movement without risking injury.

Being Seen

When riding your electric skateboard at night or in low light conditions, it’s crucial to ensure that you’re visible to others. Use reflective gear like vests or armbands and add lights to your skateboard to increase visibility. Safety should always be a top priority!

Be Understood

When riding on cycle paths or roads without designated lanes, it’s important to make your direction clear to other riders. Use hand signals, like pointing in the direction you’re turning, and be aware of any noise you’re making so other riders can anticipate what’s coming up ahead. This will help prevent any unexpected surprises or accidents.

To Stay Attentive

Using headphones while riding an electric skateboard can be dangerous as it blocks out the surrounding noise. This can make it difficult for riders, especially beginners, to hear what’s going on around them and potentially lead to accidents, especially in busy cities where someone might honk at them or something might crash into them due to a lack of listening skills. It is advisable to avoid using headphones while riding an electric skateboard for safety reasons.

Pay Attention to The Terrain

It’s important to avoid skating on wet roads. While this may be common knowledge for experienced skaters, beginners may not realize that wet surfaces are extremely slippery and can create dangerous conditions. This is especially true on difficult terrain, such as dirt or sand, where small stones can become lodged under the wheels and cause instability, resulting in falls and potential injuries.

Limit Speed

Are you searching for a convenient mode of transportation to zip around the city? Have you thought about electric skateboards? It’s crucial not to push yourself beyond your skill level to avoid severe falls since electric skateboards don’t have built-in safety features like regular bikes or skateboards. We recommend starting at a slower speed and gradually increasing it as you gain experience to avoid running into unexpected obstacles.


Start on a “Classic” Skate

If you’re new to skateboarding, it’s best to start with a traditional board before trying an electric one. Learning how to use brakes in emergency situations and getting comfortable with faster speeds while riding against traffic is crucial before transitioning to more powerful electric longboards. This approach will help you build the necessary skills and confidence to enjoy electric skateboarding safely and effectively.

Get Used to The Sensations

As a beginner, it’s important to start with a slow pace and gradually increase your speed. This will help you get used to the sensation of riding and avoid falls. Practice slowing down and speeding up in a controlled manner to build your confidence on the board.

Train in a Safe Place

For beginners, we suggest starting with practice in an empty and flat area such as a parking lot. It’s essential to avoid crowded areas and locations with many vehicles, as they can be dangerous, especially when dealing with pebbles on the ground.

Watch Out for Climbs

When going uphill on an electric skateboard, beginners should take caution and avoid going faster than what their body is comfortable with. It may seem like there is no danger or risk involved, but sudden acceleration can lead to falls or accidents. The thrust of the skates is more prominent during ascents, so it is crucial not to accelerate too quickly and risk falling backward. It’s essential to pay attention to your body and not push beyond your limits.

Know Your Board

Before heading out into the city on your skateboard, it’s important to take some time to become familiar with your board. This could involve doing a test run to get a feel for the board and the types of tricks you can do on it, or simply reading up on some important safety tips to ensure you have a safe and enjoyable ride.

Learn to Regain Your Weight

As you become more experienced with skateboarding and increase your speed, you may notice that your weight shifts towards the back of the board. This is normal but can be risky if there are bumps or uneven surfaces in the terrain. In these situations, it’s important to keep the front end of the board low to maintain control and prevent falls. Make sure to keep your weight centered and balanced to avoid any sudden shifts that could cause you to lose control.

The Look

When riding an electric skateboard, it’s important to keep your focus straight ahead, whether you’re going straight or turning. Ignoring obstacles such as trees and ditches can be hazardous, so it’s essential to remain aware of your surroundings.

When searching for potential dangers, start by looking a few steps ahead of your current position. Although it may appear counterintuitive, staring solely in the direction of your destination may cause you to overlook hazards. Focusing on a specific point limits your field of vision and may lead to delayed reactions. As a result, when riding in unfamiliar areas where dangers may be present, maintain a broad and vigilant perspective.

Join Groups of Skaters

Electric skateboarding has gained immense popularity in recent years, and there are various groups available for every skill level. Whether you’re a novice who wants to learn and improve, or an experienced rider seeking some competition at an upcoming event, there is a group suitable for you. Joining one of these groups is an excellent way to make new friends who share your passion for skateboarding.



The bearings of an electric skateboard are an area where dirt can easily accumulate due to constant use and lack of protection. Regular cleaning with appropriate tools or products is important to prevent buildup of grime that can negatively affect the skateboard’s performance. The frequency of cleaning depends on the type of terrain you ride on, but it’s recommended to clean them at least once a month if used in average urban areas. This will help maintain the skateboard’s longevity and optimal function.

Wheel Wear

You can easily identify patterns of wear on your rubber skateboard wheels by flipping them over and smoothing out any build-up with a bit of elbow grease. Replace the wheels as needed to ensure optimal performance and safety while riding.

The Tires

It’s crucial to ensure that the tires of your electric skateboard are properly inflated, particularly if you have a model with off-road tires such as those from a well-known brand. Neglecting to check and maintain your tire pressure can result in burst tires, causing significant harm. Therefore, it is recommended to check the tire pressure every day to ensure it is adequate.

Don’t Go Out in The Rain

Our advice is to avoid riding your electric skateboard in the rain as it can damage the Li-Ion cells in the battery quickly. Wet roads can also be slippery and dangerous, making it difficult to maintain control of the board. Not only can this put you at risk, but it can also endanger other people on the road. So, it’s best to wait for the rain to pass and avoid riding in wet conditions.


To extend the lifespan of your electric skateboard battery, it’s important to take certain actions. These include manually pushing off to start, braking smoothly and gradually when needed, and regularly cleaning any dirt buildup inside the metal tubes. This will help avoid premature wear and tear on your board’s parts and help you save electricity in the long run.


It can be challenging to implement all of these tips at once, but incorporating them into your routine will greatly enhance your riding experience. The key to success is to practice consistently until you feel confident with them! The more you practice these techniques (and safety measures), the less anxiety you’ll have when riding your skateboard on roads or trails. We wish you the best of luck in your endeavors!

Hi, I’m Jason Tie

I have been passionate about electric scooters and bicycles since they came on the market, but I really took to skateboarding when I was young.

I started with the skateboard at 7 years old when my dad taught me how to ride. Since then, I have mostly owned freestyle skates and longboards- even if they were difficult for some people in our town.

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