How Long Does an Electric Scooter Battery Last and How to Extend It?

How to Extend Electric Scooter Battery

Maximizing the lifespan of your electric scooter’s battery is important for its performance and longevity. The battery’s longevity is determined by the number of charge cycles it can endure, which is a fixed factor. However, you can take steps to extend its life by adhering to charging guidelines, modifying your driving style, and regularly maintaining the scooter.

In this article, we will provide you with all the information you need to keep your electric scooter’s battery in top condition. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to leave them in the comments section below.


Different types of batteries are used in electric scooters, such as lithium, gel, lead, nickel, etc. However, the most popular and efficient battery for electric scooters is the lithium battery.

Lithium battery

Lithium batteries are lighter and smaller than other types and have an average lifespan of 4 years, longer than any other type of battery. They do not have a “memory effect” if charged partially, and they do not lose their charge quickly if not in use.

The only downside to these batteries is that they are the most expensive component, making the scooter more expensive. It is important to take care of the battery to extend its lifespan.

Lead battery

Lead batteries are heavy, take up more space, and are highly polluting. Although they can produce high current, their lifespan is short, about half that of a lithium battery. Lead batteries are the cheapest option and can still be found in some gel-type lead battery scooters.

Nickel battery

Nickel batteries are larger than lithium batteries for the same energy and suffer greatly from the memory effect. They also discharge quickly when not in use. Nickel batteries are cheaper than lithium batteries.

electric scooter battery replacement


To ensure a longer lifespan for your electric scooter’s battery, it’s important to follow some simple charging tips. Here are some guidelines to help extend the life of your electric scooter’s battery:

Avoid Complete Discharge

It’s best to avoid discharging the battery below 30%, but if it happens, don’t worry. To increase the number of charge cycles, charge the battery frequently, such as after each ride.

Use Approved Charger

Always use a charger from the manufacturer of the scooter, or an approved one that’s designed for your specific model. Using any other charger can result in inadequate amperage and damage the battery.

Store with Charge When Not in Use

If you plan to not use the electric scooter for a while, store it with a charged battery, with a charge level above 50%. This will keep the battery in good condition and help extend its lifespan.

Charge Cold Battery

It’s recommended to charge the battery after each ride, but it’s important to wait until it has cooled down first. Wait about 30 minutes after the ride, and then plug in the charger while the scooter is turned off.

Maintain Room Temperature

Extreme hot or cold temperatures can affect the battery’s performance. To avoid this, store the scooter indoors, away from direct sunlight, and aim to keep it at a temperature between 10 and 20°C.

Avoid Water Exposure

The battery should be kept dry and protected from moisture. Avoid riding in the rain and avoid going over puddles, unless your electric scooter is designed to be waterproof.

Correct Charging for First Few Uses

If you’re new to electric scooters, it’s important to correctly charge the battery for the first 2 to 3 uses. Let the battery discharge completely, and then charge it to 100% for 2 to 3 full charge cycles. Then follow the guidelines above, and repeat the full charge cycle every 3 months.

electric scooter battery capacity


To ensure your electric scooter battery lasts for a long time, consider the following tips:

Check Tire Pressure

Over time, the tires of your scooter can lose air and affect the battery life. To maintain optimal battery performance, make sure to check the tire pressure regularly and keep it at the recommended level. You can find the recommended pressure level in the scooter manual or on the tire itself.

Adjust Brakes Properly

Improperly adjusted brakes can reduce battery life by making it harder for the motor to move the scooter. Regularly check your brakes and adjust them as needed to avoid unnecessary battery drain.

Limit Load

Excessive weight on the scooter can put a strain on the battery, so try to keep your load light and balanced. This includes limiting the number of passengers on the scooter as well as limiting the amount of extra weight from bags or backpacks.

Smooth Driving

For efficient battery performance, try to be smooth when accelerating and decelerating. Avoid sudden movements or jerks as they can cause the engine to work harder and drain the battery faster. Additionally, try to utilize the regenerative braking system by stopping early and not suddenly.

electric scooter battery life


When it comes to changing the battery of an electric scooter, some brands are more straightforward than others. Brands like Hiboy offer electric scooters with removable batteries, making it a quick and easy process. However, for other brands like Gotrax, you will need to remove the battery from the base of the scooter and replace it with a new one. It’s essential to ensure that you connect all the cables correctly.

To ensure that your battery is of high quality and durability, always purchase an official battery. If you have trouble finding one or have any questions, reach out to the manufacturer for assistance.

Hi, I’m Jason Tie

I have been passionate about electric scooters and bicycles since they came on the market, but I really took to skateboarding when I was young.

I started with the skateboard at 7 years old when my dad taught me how to ride. Since then, I have mostly owned freestyle skates and longboards- even if they were difficult for some people in our town.

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