Electric Scooter Maintenance Tips

Electric Scooter Maintenance

An increasing number of individuals are opting for electric scooters as their mode of transportation. This is because not only are they environmentally friendly, but they are also incredibly convenient. With no need for physical exertion, and a cost-effective price range, electric scooters are accessible to everyone.

To ensure the longevity of your electric scooter, it is essential to carry out basic maintenance. Below, I will outline these simple tips for keeping your scooter in top condition.


Even if you only ride in urban areas, your scooter can still accumulate dust on crucial components like the motor, chain or belt. This can lead to significant malfunctions, making it crucial to clean your scooter on a regular basis to prevent buildup.

How to clean and disinfect your electric scooter? 

To clean your electric scooter, use a damp cloth and a mild, neutral PH soap. Avoid using excessive water, as it may seep into the battery or motor, causing permanent damage. The cloth should only be slightly damp, not dripping.

After removing the dust, give the scooter another wipe down with a damp cloth to remove any soap residue that could damage the paint.

For a thorough disinfection, mix 3 parts water and 1 part ammonia, and use a cloth dampened with the solution to clean all areas of your scooter, including the handlebars, tabletop, brakes, and all other gaps, both above and below.

To effectively clean the motor and chain (or belt), use a brush (such as an old toothbrush) or a compressed air spray.

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If your electric scooter is equipped with solid wheels, maintenance is not necessary. However, if you have air-filled wheels, there are certain factors to consider.

Check tire pressure

First and foremost, it is important to make sure that the tire pressure is adequate. The recommended pressure is listed in the manual provided by the manufacturer. Over time and use, tire pressure may decrease, so it is crucial to periodically check the air levels. You can visit a gas station and have the pressure checked, or use an inflator or air compressor with a pressure gauge to do it at home.

How to fix a puncture?

Having proper tire pressure reduces the likelihood of a puncture. However, if you do experience a puncture, it’s helpful to have puncture-repair fluids or spare inner tubes and tires on hand. You can find the appropriate size for your scooter.

If your scooter has tubeless tires, such as those found on Hiboy scooters, punctures are rare due to the absence of an air chamber or tube. Nevertheless, repair fluids are available for this type of wheel in the unlikely event of a puncture.

do electric scooters need maintenance


It is inevitable that the batteries of any device will deteriorate over time, resulting in a decrease in voltage and capacity. Despite this, there are several best practices that you can follow to extend its lifespan.

How to take care of the battery of your electric scooter?

It is recommended to use the original charger for your scooter and, in the event of damage, purchase a replacement from the original brand rather than a low-cost alternative.

Additionally, it is important to avoid completely draining the battery. If possible, charge it before it reaches 10% capacity.

Smooth driving with a consistent speed, avoiding sudden acceleration or braking, is also beneficial in preserving the battery and prolonging its lifespan.

If you will not be using your scooter for an extended period of time, store it with a battery charge of 50%. Storing it with a completely drained battery for several months can permanently damage the battery and render the scooter inoperable. To further slow down discharge, it is best practice to disconnect the battery during long-term storage.

electric scooter maintenance cost


Electric scooters may use either a chain or belt drive mechanism to transfer power from the motor to the wheel.

Tension and lubricate the chain or belt

It is important to regularly lubricate the chain or belt with lithium grease to prevent rusting. The tension should also be maintained, ensuring maximum power transfer to the wheel, while leaving a slight slack of 1 cm to prevent breakage.

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As your scooter ages, you may notice that the brakes are becoming louder or not braking as effectively as they used to. The condition of your brakes can also impact the consumption of your scooter, not just its stopping power.

Clean, adjust or change the brake pads

If you experience a decrease in braking performance or longer stopping distances, it may be time to replace your brake pads. This is a task best left to a professional, as it can be complex. If you hear a metallic noise while braking, it may indicate that your disc brake is improperly adjusted and rubbing against the brake pad. This is normal over time, but you can readjust it as shown in a tutorial video. Cleaning the brakes regularly with compressed air will also help maintain their effectiveness.

best lubricant for electric scooter


Regular maintenance of your electric scooter is crucial to ensure it lasts for many years. To avoid any future squeaks, it is important to lubricate the parts that move the most, such as the folding handlebar, adjustable height stand, etc. Applying a small amount of lithium grease to the joints will help prevent any noises.

Additionally, it is essential to tighten the bolts periodically, as they may loosen over time due to travel vibration.

By dedicating a little time to basic maintenance of your electric scooter, you can ensure that it will take you many more miles.

Hi, I’m Jason Tie

I have been passionate about electric scooters and bicycles since they came on the market, but I really took to skateboarding when I was young.

I started with the skateboard at 7 years old when my dad taught me how to ride. Since then, I have mostly owned freestyle skates and longboards- even if they were difficult for some people in our town.

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